Download RedGate SQL Compare 13.7 Professional Full (cracked)

Download RedGate SQL Compare 13.7 Professional Full (cracked)

Compare SQL Server schema changes from dev, to test, to production
Compare SQL Server database schemas, large or small, and including Temporal Tables, with advanced filtering of database objects.
You can explore what’s changed in each database object, down to individual lines of SQL. When you’re ready to deploy, you can create an error-free deployment script in minutes.
Troubleshoot database differences and create reports in HTML or Excel.

Compare and deploy changes to SQL Server database schemas (from dev, to test, to production)
Support for Temporal Tables
Compare two SQL Server databases, synchronize, and deploy from within SSMS
Automatically create error-free deployment scripts
Generate T-SQL scripts that update one SQL Server database to match the schema of another
Save deployment scripts for later use
Automatically create error-free synchronization scripts
Comparison and deployment of large databases
Choose how to examine differences: SQL View or Summary View
Migrate individual schema differences, a selection of them, or all of them
Build sophisticated rules to selectively limit what to deploy
Deploy individual schema differences, a selection of them, or all of them
Support for reading encrypted database objects
Fine-grained filtering of database objects
Troubleshoot database differences
Dependency checking, so objects are scripted in the correct order for updates
Warnings about anything you need to be aware of before deploying SQL Server schemas
Save schema snapshots for audit and roll-back purposes
Improved HTML report generation detailing database differences
Troubleshoot database differences and explore schema changes to see what's going on in development
Support for Retention Tables
Azure Active Directory authentication
Automatically output a database into individual object creation scripts
Deploy a live database from a set of SQL object scripts
Restore just a single object (or selection of objects) from a backup file


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