Download JEB Decompiler 3.1.3 Full Version (crack keygen)

Download JEB Decompiler 3.1.3 Full Version (crack keygen)

JEB is a modular reverse engineering platform for professionals.
Perform disassembly, decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files, manually or as part of an analysis pipeline. Use JEB to analyze Android apps, reverse engineer Windows malware, audit embedded code, and much more.
The Android modules for JEB provide static and dynamic analysis capabilities to analyze Android applications, goodware or badware, small or large.
The native code analysis modules provide advanced code analyzers and decompilers for MIPS, ARM and ARM64, Intel x86 and x64 processors, as well as WebAssembly modules and Ethereum smart contracts
Our PDF module for JEB is the most complete PDF document analyzer in the industry. Use it to manually or automatically reverse engineer documents.

Android Decompiler + Android Debuggers
Use JEB to perform reverse engineering of malicious APKs and security audits.
Cut down on costly reverse engineering time: decompile obfuscated APKs, examine Java code and debug closed-source apps in minutes. Our modular back-end, coupled with a powerful UI front-end for desktop platforms, allow refactoring operation and scripting to automate complex tasks.

Perform static and dynamic analysis of Android applications, goodware or badware, small or large.
Decompile code using our Dalvik decompiler, including multi-dex APK.
Refactor the analysis to defeat obfuscated code generated by application protectors.
Reconstruct resources and obfuscated XML files.
Debug Dalvik code as well as all native code (Intel, ARM), seamlessly.
Automate and script your reverse engineering tasks via our API.


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